Podcast Description
Never underestimate the power of the simple things, especially when it comes to friendship.
I love that we tackle the big topics on this podcast, but there’s a special place in my heart for episodes like this one.
Today’s guest is Dr. Zahara Williams, who is a therapist, speaker and author of the After Betrayal workbook. Here, we talk about an amazing group of friends she’s remained close with for years, even after a major move away.
Listening to this episode, I was reminded of how powerful the combination of intention and small actions can be. At the end of the day, it’s the little stuff – the stuff that can easily be passed over – that is actually some of the most significant work we can do in our connections.
In this episode you’ll hear about:
- Thinking about the roles we play in our friends and being intentional about how we want to show up as time goes on
- Shifting the way we use technology to maintain our friendships during big life changes (plus, using social media to actually CONNECT and not lurk!)
- Going on the friendship journey and remembering all our friends started at zero at one point
- Not allowing bad circumstances to limit us from having a beautiful experience with a group of friends
- Being our authentic selves and not getting caught up on the friendships that don’t work (because maybe they don’t work for a reason!)
Resources & Links:
Visit Zahara’s website, follow her on Instagram and Linkedin, and check out the After Betrayal workbook.
Like what you hear? Visit my website, leave me a voicemail, and follow me on Instagram and TikTok!
Want to take this conversation a step further? Send this episode to a friend. Tell them you found it interesting and use what we just talked about as a conversation starter the next time you and your friend hang out!